Best Dry Eye Treatments - Dry Eye Treatment and Cure | Dry Eyes Clinic
Have you ever suffered dry eyes? Nowadays, dry eyes are becoming much common and this condition is one reason why you have to seek Dry Eye treatment Uk . Dry eyes happen when there is not enough moisture and lubrication on the surface of the eye. This can cause eye itchiness and irritation. In worse cases, it can cause inflammation and scarring. Dry eyes are just a general term. Other known conditions often described as Dry Eyes UK include: Keratitis sicca, Keratoconjunctivitis sicca, and dysfunctional tear syndrome. Dry eyes affect nearly everyone at some point because this symptom can be brought on by so many different factors. Allergies, various medications and hormone imbalances can all cause this problem. Lifestyle factors such as lack of vitamin A in the diet, living at a high altitude or working on a computer all day can dry your eyes out too. The risk of developing eye dryness, presbyopia and other chronic ocular conditions increases with age. Some older people also experienc...